I’ve been a software engineer for a pretty long time. I remember when there were no email addresses. I remember the first time I ever saw a “GUI” on a new Macintosh toaster. I remember (barely…) when you typed on a console and it printed out on a never ending accordion of green and white paper.

Things have changed a lot over the years, and I thought I was doing a decent job of changing along with them. For the last seven years, for example, I worked on moving a feature animation studio from a LAN oriented infrastructure based on an RPC client/server architecture, to a Web oriented cloud infrastructure based on HTTP and services.

One thing I didn’t pick up on , though, is the use of the Web to “brand” oneself and show a portfolio of work and thinking. I only saw that when I left the safety of a secure and comfortable job to find something more interesting and challenging.

So, here I am, on my own domain, typing my first tech blog entry. It’s fun and I’m excited, because many of my past coworkers know how much I like to think and talk about software. While I’ll likely never have the time to become a serious blogger, I do hope that I can use this avenue to put down my thoughts about my industry, its practices, and some answers it might provide.