All these instructions are for Windows 10.
- Download and install Visual Studio Code from Microsoft.
- Download and install node.js
- Download and install git-scm (this will also install git-bash)
- I’ll be using Chrome as my browser, so go to the Chrome store and install react developer tools and redux developer tools. Once installed, they will show up under Chrome’s developer tools (ctrl-shift-I).
- Set up SSH on Github and your Windows git-bash shell. See this post for instructions.
- Run VSC from within the SSH environment inside git-bash. The first time you run it, install the following extensions:
- Open the source code management (SCM) mode in VSC (Ctrl-Shift-G) and connect the VSC project to the repo’s clone URL and then select a location for the local repo. I chose to put all my repos under ~\Documents\src\git\heteromeles
- To start the Live Server extension, find the HTML file you want it to start serving, right click it, and choose the Open with Live Server options. This will open Chrome and/or a new tab and serve the file on localhost.
- Edit your HTML and JS files as needed – every time you save, the changes will automatically mirror live onto the opened tab.
- From git-bash shell:
- If first time, set up create-react-app from git-bash
- npm –version to make sure npm is installed
- npm install -g create-react-app to install
- Run create-react-app <appname> and the app will be created in directory ~/<appname>
- cd ~/<appname> to go to the created app
- code . to start up VSC for the app
- npm start will then start the app in the browser
- If first time, set up create-react-app from git-bash