At work, we have transitioned to everyone working from home, both to protect employee health and to comply with the coronavirus quarantine orders currently in effect in California. I work from home a day a week anyway, so this has not been nearly as big a transition for me as for many of my coworkers. I still have a work week just like always, I just get up a little later than normal because I don’t have to commute. Daily life doesn’t seem quite so different to me in the current situation (modulo finding food and paper products…)

Nevertheless, reading so many articles and posts about people taking up new hobbies or getting round to long neglected projects to fill up their now copious spare time brought me round this morning to thinking about reviving my outside-of-work programming habits and learning.

Now feels like a great time to dive into the front end web tech that’s always been my main coding blind spot.

At the same time, I realize that I need to dust off and re-energize the various modern artifacts of a programmer – namely my code repos (GitHub) and my tech blog (this site).

I’ve done a bang up job at work creating and regularly updating similar artifacts at work, so here’s hoping I can do something similar IRL.