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Fictitious Data

While entering some dummy data into some code for testing, I got to thinking about the 555 fictitious phone number in the US and whether or not there is an equivalent value for email and domain names.

It turns out that IANA has reserved the domain and the top level domain .example for fictitious purposes.

It also turns out that numbers beginning with 555 do actually exists in many cases. The only reserved range (within all US area codes) is 555-01xx. Also, in plenty of other places in the world, 555 is a perfectly working prefix. There really isn’t a single value you can use that is guaranteed.

Thus, for fictitious phone and email , the first value I’m going to use are 818-555-0123 and


It’s amazing how easy it is to forget the things you just learned. After working on my online React class, I had a couple weeks away from it and I could barely remember how to start things, even after taking pretty good notes. Actually, it’s a good lesson to me that I wrote so much down, or I would have nearly needed to start over from scratch.

They say it takes approximately 66 days to form a habit, or repeating something about 50 times. Need to work on this stuff more often.